Raja Ampat.jurnalkofiautv.com||Scientific seminar Conference of the Indonesian Doctors’ Association IDI Raja Ampat Branch, Southwest Papua.
The activity was attended by the head of the IDI Sorong Branch, Assistant III representing the Regent of Raja Ampat, Abdul Faris Umpat, SE. M,Pd. Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Pharmacists, Chair of the Association of Indonesian Laboratory Technologists, Raja Ampat Regency, Head of the Raja Ampat Health BPJS, all professional organizations in Raja Ampat, religious leaders from Christians and Muslims were also present.” Saturday August 2023.9,42 WPBD.
The Raja Ampat IDI activity is the first activity in Waisai which took place in the Raja Ampat Education Office Hall building,” said the Chief Executive of the Raja Ampat Branch of IDI Activities, Dr. Johanis Mambrasar, Sp.OG.
In his remarks he said that there were two scientific seminars, namely ethics, stunting health in children, these two things were the topics and then a deliberation was held for the branch of the Indonesian Doctors Association, this was the first deliberation so there were still many shortcomings, the chairman explained, but he believed that the future would be better , indeed sometimes there are deficiencies but it will be better than today’s shortcomings.
59 seconds ahead, the same opportunity, the head of the IDI Sorong branch, Dr. Simatupang, Sp.THT-KL Delivering his remarks he asked IDI Raja Ampat to become a partner for the regional government of Raja Ampat Regency. In addition, Simatupang also asked the local government to facilitate the Raja Ampat Regency Branch of the IDI Secretariat.
He said that if there was a secretariat, of course the professional organization facilitated by the government would facilitate health services in Raja Ampat.
dr. Tumpal conveyed that it was also necessary to know that the IDI Sorong Branch currently oversees one city and six districts in Southwest Papua.
Remarks from Raja Ampat Raja Ampat, represented by Assistant III, also conveyed.
On behalf of myself and the Government of Raja Ampat Regency, I warmly welcome the activities of the Raja Ampat Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Branch Conference today. Hopefully the Muscab activities will give hope to all parties, and to the people of Raja Ampat Regency in general who really hope to get an increase in the quality of health services from time to time. As we all know, the IDI organization is a forum that oversees the code of ethics for the medical profession in this country. In the history of its development, the medical profession is one of the oldest professions besides the teaching profession, which faithfully provides basic services to the community. Even the role of the medical profession is one of the professions that contributed to the birth of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
Not until there, he reminded again that; The health sector is one of the development pillars within the Raja Ampat Regency Vision and Mission journey that we have agreed upon, therefore development in the health sector is aimed at improving its services. [Alex Umpain]
Video formen. Alex Umpain Alumni Mahasiswa Teknik Migas Bersama Ir. Migas Jerman and Australia. 👇👇👇